We accept facsimile transmissions 24 hours a day and 7 days a week via our toll-free fax line. Return reports are faxed back directly to the location designated by the customer.

Most of our customers prefer a state of the art Internet transmission and delivery system that is offered at no charge to our clients. Our web-based case management system allows you to access our website, place orders and retrieve results directly through the Internet.

The integration capability of LinXML allows us to accept and import orders from our clients that can cover all of the background screening search types that we provide. Once completed, all of the results for any of these provided search types can then be sent back to you via XML.

Many of our customers have web-based case management systems of their own for processing requests. We offer the capability of pulling new requests from their website and entering results directly through their system as soon as the results are received.

Accio Data is the industry's most powerful, flexible employment screening software platform, supported by unwavering customer service. Get the Accio Edge.
The Accio Edge is the competitive advantage you get from using the screening industry's most powerful and flexible platform, backed by unwavering customer service.
SPI Researchers has full-time Information Technology staff available to assist with training and implementation.
Demonstration of the SPI Researchers web application is available. Contact SPI Researchers at sales@spiresearchers.com to arrange for a demonstration.